Exciting Updates from the "Autism Spectrum Disorder Seminar" - Adwait

📢 Exciting Updates from the “Autism Spectrum Disorder Seminar”

📢 Exciting Updates from the “Autism Spectrum Disorder Seminar” at Adwait Early Intervention Center (A Unit of Rmkm Chachiyawas) 🧩

On 22.07.2023, we had the privilege of organizing a transformative Seminar on the topic of ‘What You Need to Know about Autism Spectrum Disorder,’ and it was an incredible success!

🌟 The event saw the participation of enthusiastic parents
educators, and caregivers, all eager to learn and share experiences.

A big shoutout to our esteemed resource persons, Mr. Satish Kumar and Ms. Anjali Sengupta, who did a phenomenal job in enlightening the participants about the various aspects of autism.

🙌🏼 They delved into the characteristics, causes, types, and provided valuable insights into detecting signs and symptoms of autism. The workshop aimed to create a deeper understanding of the condition and ways to effectively support individuals with autism.

One of the most touching moments during the workshop was when parents shared their own personal journeys of handling autism, creating support systems, and navigating through various challenges. Their experiences served as a source of inspiration for all, reinforcing the importance of empathy and patience in supporting their wards.

Furthermore, participants gained crucial knowledge on how to cater to the unique needs of their loved onces at both home and school. Understanding the individual needs of children with autism is essential for creating nurturing environments where they can thrive and reach their full potential. 🏠🏫

The feedback from all the participants was overwhelming! 💬 They expressed their gratitude for the new insights and practical suggestions they acquired during the Seminar. This invaluable knowledge will undoubtedly pave the way for a more inclusive and compassionate society, where individuals with autism can flourish.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to all those who made this Seminar a success! Let’s continue to spread awareness, embrace diversity, and work together towards building a more inclusive world. 🌍💙

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#AutismAwareness #InclusionMatters #AdwaitEarlyInterventionCenter #WorkshopSuccess

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