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Early Intervention & Child Developmental Therapy Centre Adwait Ajmer

Focuses on Addressing Developmental delays and promoting the overall growth and development of children, who have developmental disabilities or delays.

Services and Therapies

We have many Services and Therapies available for children with disabilities. Please contact us if you have any enquiry.

Therapist and Counseller

Our Therapist are available everyday a week,Schedule an appointment Today at Adwait.

Opening Hours

Visit us at our center Adwait for Intervention to children with disabilities

Mon โ€“ Satย 

09:00 โ€“ 19:00


Upcoming Events At Adwait Ajmer

Inclusive Education Adwait for Students with Disabilities

District Early Intervention Centre - Adwait Ajmer

Our Expertise

We offer Interventions to Children with following disablities –ย 

Therapy Services Adwait Ajmer


Early intervention centers may provide different types of therapy, such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, or behavioral therapy,ย 

Adwait Developmental Therapy and Early Intervention Services

Locomotor Disability Adwait

Individuals with locomotor disabilities may have difficulties with walking, standing, balancing, or using their arms or legs effectively.

Learning Disability Adwait

Including dyslexia (difficulty with reading and language processing), dyscalculia (challenges with math), dysgraphia (trouble with writing and fine motor skills)

Autism Adwait

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), is a developmental disorder that affects social interaction, communication, behavior, and sensory processing

Intellectual Disability Adwait

Intellectual disability, also known as intellectual developmental disorder or cognitive impairment affects an individual’s ability to learn, reason, problem-solve

Individuals with Down syndrome typically have distinctive facial characteristics, such as slanted eyes, a flat nasal bridge, and a small mouth with a protruding tongue.ย 

Cerebral Palsy Adwait

Neurological disorders that affect movement, muscle tone, and coordination. It is caused by damage or abnormalities in the developing brain, usually before or during birth.

Hearing Impairment Adwait

Hearing loss or deafness, refers to a partial or complete loss of the ability to hear sounds. It can affect individuals of all ages, from newborns to older adults, and can have various causeses

Vision Impairment Adwait

Visual impairment or visual loss, refers to a broad range of conditions that result in a partial or complete loss of vision. It can affect individuals of all ages. and can have various causes and levels of severity

Deaf Blindness Adwait

Combined loss of both vision and hearing, resulting in significant challenges in communication, mobility, and accessing information. Individuals who are deafblind have varying degrees of vision

Inclusive Learning Environments For Students With Special Needs - Adwait Ajmer

If they can't learn the way we teach, we teach the way they Learn

Adwait Ajmer

Child Development Adwait

ADWAIT CWSN is an early intervention centre for addressing unique needs of HighRisk Babies and Children with Special Needs (CWSN), aged between 0-10 years.

Adwait Early Intervention Centre: Providing Support for Children with Developmental Delays - CWSN

Every child is unique, and so is their development. However, some children may experience delays in their development that require extra support and intervention.

Adwait offer a range of services depending on the child’s specific needs and support to children and families Adwait Provide specialized services and support to children with developmental delays and their families.

Adwait - Team of Experts

Therapy can be a helpful and effective way to address mental health concerns, manage stress, and improve overall well-being. A healthcare professional can assess your specific needs and provide appropriate guidance and treatment options tailored to your situation.

Latest Updates
summer camp adwait

Summer Camp 2024

Summer Camp 2024 at Adwait Beat the heat and learn a bunch this summer! Adwait Early Intervention Center, Ajmer ( A Unit of RMKM ) is hosting a summer camp

What Visitors Say About Us
State Of The Art Centre , it is One stop therapy center for children with special needs that caters to children's needs as early as 0-12 yrs old. Beautiful campus, looking forward to the upcoming sensory park in rhe premise.
Shivali Dixit Saxena
Get in touch

Block C, Makarwali Rd, near Kshetrapal Hospital, C Block, Panchsheel Nagar, Ajmer, Rajasthan 305004





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